Manajer adalah seseorang yang bekerja melalui orang lain dengan mengoordinasikan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka guna mencapai sasaran Organisasi.(Wikipedia). Seorang Menejer harus mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab. Ternyata seorang manejer terdiri dari Menejer Lini Bawah, Menejer Menengah dan Menejer Puncak. Menejer Lini Bawah ini secara langsung mengawasi tenaga kerja yang melakukan pekerjaan awal atau disebut operator. Contoh Mandor atau Supervisor bagian Produksi, Supervisor atau kepala urusan administrasi kantor. Pada Menejer menengah disini seorang menejer yang mengarahkan, membimbing, dan mengawasi menejer lini bawah. Tanggung jawab manajer ini mengarahkan dan mengawasi pelaksanaan kebijakan pimpinan organisasi serta membantu memecahkan masalah antara keinginan supervisor dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan bawahan/ operator. Sedangkan Menejer Puncak merupakan yang bertanggung jawab terhadap jalannya dan keberhasilan organisasi secara keseluruhan. Manajer puncak ini merumuskan dan menetapkan kebijakan organisasi dan membimbing serta mengarahkan interaksi organisasi dengan lingkungan.
Jika dilihat dari Fungsinya , Seorang manajer hanya bertanggung jawab pada aktivitas yang terkait dengan fungsinya, seperti berikut:
- Manajer Produksi
- Manajer HRD
- Manager Pemasaran
- Manager Keuangan
- Manajer Riset dan Pengembangan, dan lain-lain.
Untuk mengelola organisasi maka manajemen memerlukan keahlian yang berkaitan dengan manajemen. Keahlian manajer akan dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja manajemen. Apa saja keahlian yang perlu di kuasai seorang manajer? Beberapa tokoh dunia yang telah mengidentifikai tentang tingkatan manajemen dan keahlian manajer menurut Robert L. Katz dan menurut Ricky W. Rriffin . (Wikipidea).
- Keahilan Teknis (Technical skill). Merupakan kemampuan untuk menggunakan berbagai peralatan, prosedur, atau teknik dibidang tertentu.
- Keahlian Masalah Kemanusiaan (Human Skill). Merupakan kemampuan untuk dapat mengerti dan memahami tentang karakteristik orang lain, berpartisipasi secara aktif dengan orang lain, mengetahui potensi dan kelemahan manusia, harapan masa depan dan reaksi terhadap ancaman terhadap diri manusia itu.
- Keahlian Konseptual (Conceptual Skill). Kemampuan untuk dapat melihat secara sistematis dan komprehensif atas semua aktivitas dan kepentingan organisasi. keahlian ini meliputi pemahaman untuk memfungsikan semua komponen organisasi, baik secara keseluruhan maupun secara parsial.
- Keahlian Strategi (Strategic Skill). Keahlian yang diperlukan bagi manajer untuk dapat melihat organisasii sebagai suatu sistem dimana gangguan/ keberhasilan dari unit organisasi akan mempengaruhi kegagalan dan keberhasilan organisasi. Dalam keahlian ini manajer dituntut untuk dapat mengantisipasi sedini mungkin semua fenomena internal dan eksternal organisasi.
Agar keahlian terasah dengan baik, manajer perlu meningkatkan kualitas kinerja dirinya dari sumber keahliannya. Sumber keahlian manajer yang paling dominan adalah pendidikan dan pengalaman. Dengan proses pendidikan manajemen akan membka pandangan / cakrawala berfikir dan peningkatan kognisi di bidang manajemen oleh manajer/ calon manajer. Sedangkan pengalaman adalh guru yang paling baik dan berharga. dari pengalaman, manajer dapat memetik pengetahuan dan ilmu manajemen yang sangat berharga bagi dirinya. dengan pengalaman yang berbeda-beda, manajer dalam mengambil keputusan manajemen di kasus yang sama dapat berbeda keputusannya.
Salah seorang tokoh dunia Henry Mintzberg telah membagi peran manager menjadi 3 peran, yaitu:
- Peran Antar pribadi, Meliputi peran figur(simbolis), peran kepemimpinan, dan peran perantara(lialison). Peran ini akan membawa manajer untuk mengelola organisasi dengan cara yang agak halus dan sebagai alat mengharmonisasi berbagai perbedaan dan konflik kelompok yang ada di dalam organisasi di setiap tingkat.
- Peran Informasional, Meliputi peran pemantau(monitor), peran penyebarluasan informasi( Disseminator) dan peran bicara (spokerperson). peran ini dianjurkan sebagai peran yang penting atau utama dari tugas setiap manajer.
- Peran keputusan , Meliputi peran keputusan, peran kewirausahaan (entrepreneur), peran menangani gangguan (diturbance handler), peran alokasi sumber daya (resource allpocator), dan peran juru runding (negotiator).
Peran manajer sangat menentukan masa depan suatu perusahaan. Jadi sudah siapkah anda menjadi seorang Manajer?
Keyword search: Manager, Peran Manajer, Tugas Seorang Manajer
The manager is someone who works throuh other to coordinanate their activities to achieve the objectives of the organisation. (Wikipedia). A manager shall have authority and responsibility. Apparently one managers consist of Bottom Line Manager, Middle Manager and Top Manager. Bottom line manager directly supervising workers who do the work early or called the operator. Examples of the production there are Foreman or Supervisor and Supervisor or head office administration. Manager here at the middle of a manager who direct, guilding and overseeing the line manager. Manager's responsibility is to direct and supervise the implementation of policy and an organizational leadership to help solve the problems between the desire and ability of supervisors to subordinate capacity/ operator. While the Top Manager is responsible for the course and overall organizational success. These Top Managers formulate and establish policies to guide and direct the organization and interaction with environmental organizations.
If viewed from the function, a manager is only responsible for the activities related to its function, as follows :
To manage the organization's management needs related to management skills. Expertise of manager will be able to improve the quality of management performance. What are the skills that need to be in control of a managers? Several world leaders have identified about levels of management and expertise of managers according by Robert L. Katz and Ricky W.Rriffin. (Wikipedia)
The manager is someone who works throuh other to coordinanate their activities to achieve the objectives of the organisation. (Wikipedia). A manager shall have authority and responsibility. Apparently one managers consist of Bottom Line Manager, Middle Manager and Top Manager. Bottom line manager directly supervising workers who do the work early or called the operator. Examples of the production there are Foreman or Supervisor and Supervisor or head office administration. Manager here at the middle of a manager who direct, guilding and overseeing the line manager. Manager's responsibility is to direct and supervise the implementation of policy and an organizational leadership to help solve the problems between the desire and ability of supervisors to subordinate capacity/ operator. While the Top Manager is responsible for the course and overall organizational success. These Top Managers formulate and establish policies to guide and direct the organization and interaction with environmental organizations.
If viewed from the function, a manager is only responsible for the activities related to its function, as follows :
- Production Manager
- Human Resources Manager
- marketing Manager
- Finance Manager
- Manager of Research and Development, and others.
To manage the organization's management needs related to management skills. Expertise of manager will be able to improve the quality of management performance. What are the skills that need to be in control of a managers? Several world leaders have identified about levels of management and expertise of managers according by Robert L. Katz and Ricky W.Rriffin. (Wikipedia)
- Technical Skill. Is the ability to use various tools, procedures, or a particular field of engineering.
- Human Skill. is the ability to be able to know and understand about the characteristics of others, participate actively with others, knowing the potential and human frailty. future expectations and reactions to threats to human self.
- Conceptual Skills. The ability to be a systematic and comprehensive view of all activities and interestof the organization. These skills include an understanding of the functioning of all components of the organization, in whole or partially.
- Strategic Skills. Skills necessary for managers to be able to see organization as a system where fault / success. managers in these skills are required to be able to anticipate as early as possible all internal and external organizational phenomena.
To be well-honed expertise, managers need to improve the quality of her performance of the source of expertise. With the process of management education will open up the view/ the horizon of thinking and cognition enhancement in the field of management by the managers/ prospective managers. While experiences is the best teacher and valuable. Of experience, knowledge managers can pick and knowledge management are very precious to him. With different experiences, managers in making management decisions in the same case can be different decision.
One of the world leaders Henry Mintzberg has been divided into three roles manager role, namely :
- Inter-Personal roles, include the role of figure (symbolic), the role of leadership, and the role of intermediaries. This role will lead managers to manage the organization in a rather subtle and as a means of harmonizing the various differences and conflicts that exist within the organization at every level.
- Informational Roles, include the role of monitors (monitor), the role of information dissemination and the role of speech / spoker person. This role is recommended as an important or primary role of every manager's job.
- The Role of the Decision, include the role of the decision, the role of entrepreneurial (entrepreneur), the role of dealing with interference (disturbance handler), the role of resource allocation and the role of negotiator (Negotiator).
It is quite hard to be a manager right? I can see it at Sewa Kantor Jakarta
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